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Shyam Arvindakshan

Area of Practice

Employment generation through craft-based skill and design development for economically challenged rural communities


Bachelors in Commerce, LJ College, Ahmedabad

Masters in Craft and Design, IICD, Jaipur

Work experience


Design Development
Design and skill development workshops with artisans sponsored by organisation like o/o Development Commissioner (Handicrafts), Industree Foundation, AIACA, NIFT, GSHHDC, APHDC, NCDPD, CCI

Skill Development
National Skill Qualification Framework(NSQF) based skill training, assessing and certifying artisans by Sector Skill Councils through Industree Skill Transform in partnership with NSDC

Start up
Cross border retail ecommerce with Discovered, Netherlands and Aniika, USA
Seed funding for rural business ideas with Befund (India)

Relief and Rehabilitation
Rehabilitation artisan communities of Kutch post 2001 earthquake.
Facilitating a pan India Covid response network to reach out to artisans across India, providing food and relief supplies followed by facilitating stock liquidation through various platforms and networks.

Interest Areas

Project programming, Working for artisan communities, Skill development

Current Practice at Srishti

Unblock; Making against Constraints; Sensitising student in skills and materials for sustainable creative manufacturing

Creative Practice and Outreach

Design workshops involving various crafts with artisan communities across India.

Projects showcase:

Will be updated soon.